ureteric buds造句


  1. BMP4 is a polypeptide belonging to the mineralization, and ureteric bud development.
  2. Instead of originating from the metanephrogenic blastema, the collecting duct originates from the ureteric bud.
  3. Signals released from the ureteric bud induce the differentiation of the metanephrogenic blastema into the renal tubules.
  4. The system of tissue induction between the ureteric bud and the metanephric blastema is a reciprocal control system.
  5. This inhibition resulted in decreased mesenchymal cell condensation around the ureteric bud and a significant decrease in ureteric branching.
  6. It's difficult to find ureteric buds in a sentence. 用ureteric buds造句挺难的
  7. The connecting tubule derives from the metanephric blastema, but the rest of the system derives from the ureteric bud.
  8. The portion of undifferentiated intermediate mesoderm in contact with the tips of the branching ureteric bud is known as the metanephrogenic blastema.
  9. In humans, all of the branches of the ureteric bud and the nephronic units have been formed by 32 to 36 weeks of gestation.
  10. In some contexts, the primary division is at the border of kidney and ureter, and in other contexts, the primary division is between derivatives of the metanephric blastema and those of the ureteric bud.
  11. GDNF, gonadal derived neurotrophic factor, is produced by the metanephric blastema and is essential in binding to the Ret receptor on the ureteric bud, which bifurcates and coalesces as a result to form the renal pelvis, major and minor calyces and collecting ducts.


  1. "ureteral stenosis"造句
  2. "ureteral stent"造句
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  4. "ureteric"造句
  5. "ureteric bud"造句
  6. "ureteric orifice"造句
  7. "ureteric plexus"造句
  8. "ureteric plexuses"造句
  9. "ureteric stent"造句
  10. "ureteric stone"造句

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